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04-16 iunie Bucharest
Posted by Georgette M (Canada) on 6/30/2008
Buna ziua, Am locuit in garsoniera din Piata Victoriei (pe Inacu de Huedoara) in perioada 4-16 iunie si cum doresc sa mai revin la dvs precum si sa recomand prietenilor as vrea sa va dau impresiile mele :
1.Am fost f multumiti de primirea la aeroport precum si transportul si instalarea in apartament.
2.Apartamentul (garsoniera) f bine amplasat cu toate ca extrem de zgomotos din cauza traficului.
3.Apartament curat si frumos mobilat;
4.Asternutul de pat si prosoapele sint colorate, fiind albe se poate identifica mult mai usor curatenia lor;
5.Nu cred ca e greu de instalat o perdea de dus pentru a impiedica prea multa apa in baie. 6. Nu exista prajitor de piine (important pentru micul dejun);
Eu cred ca sint inconveniente minore ce pot fi remediate si in felul acesta beneficiati de o clientela mult mai numeroasa, eu personal voi utilisa serviciile dvs pentru sejururile la Buc. Mii de multumiri serviciilor lui Andrei.
Pe curind, G. Macici
Overall user rating: Recommended
Posted by waeil fathi (Shiben EL-Kom, EGYPT) on 6/30/2008
Dear Manager of Eastcomfort Romania;
I would like to thank you and your company for the four nights I spent in Bucharest during the conference days 23-27 of June 2008. Really everything was good and nice in the apartment.
I am welling to register my deep thanks and appreciation to the very nice friends Andrea and Lillian for their kindly and hospitality. If there is any conference at Bucharest in the future I will contact with you.
Best thanks and regards. Yours
Prof. Dr. Waiel Fathi Abd EL-Wahed
Overall user rating: Highly Recommended
Posted by Nicoo79 (Sicilia - Catania) on 5/11/2008
Ciao a tutti! Con tre amici abbiamo deciso di visitare bucarest! Casualmente abbiamo deciso di affidarci a questo sito! Che dire?? Persone affidabilissime, serie, leali e disponibilissime! Appartamenti perfetti, senza sorprese! Una vacanza indimenticabile! Casualmente ci stiamo ritornando e sicuramente ci riaffidiamo alle loro mani! Grazie di tutto!! Ciaoooo!
Overall user rating: Highly Recommended
Posted by Severine (Lyon, France) on 4/20/2008
I spent a week in Bucharest this year. It was a corporate visit but the time spent there made me think more of relaxation than work. Indeed, short term rentals in Bucharest are better than hotels, for what they offer: lower costs, self-caterings...simply, more comfort for less money. My only complain is the bad traffic in Bucharest, it was easy from the building to find a taxi but so hard to get where you want in due time.
Overall user rating: Average
Posted by Dirk Allen () on 4/16/2008
Hi Daniela, I just wanted to send you in appreciation for all that you and East Comfort did in providing me and my friend, Tracy, outstanding service while we were in Romania. The accomodation in Brasov especially was idle- and the one in Bucharest was good too. But you were correct, Bucharest is NO Brasov (but we had to see it nonetheless). Special thanks to Mircea- he is an outstanding employee and was a very nice and responsible person to interact with. Thanks to Eugeni (our driver to Bucharest) and Andre as well. As I had said, both Tracy and I work for an airline in the United States, and many of our collegues travel for pleasure frequently. We will certainly reccommend East Comfort should any be headed to Romania. Best~ Dirk Allen
Overall user rating: Highly Recommended